Youth and Family Ministry

Youth Group

We seek to build relationships through service, learning and worship with children, youth and families.  Our Youth Group, for students in middle and high school, invites youth to various service projects, activities and places of learning together.  We meet for various projects throughout the year, usually on Sunday afternoons.  We participate in youth gatherings through the Delaware-Maryland Synod and are forming new connections with youth from other Lutheran churches in northern Delaware.

These weekend events, FreeRide for middle school and RoadTrip for high school, provide a chance for youth to meet others through small groups, experience different forms of worship and serve together.  In addition, youth travel to the ELCA Youth Gathering, held every three years.  This event brings together 40,000+ youth and adults from across the country for a week of learning, service, worship and more.  The next gathering will be held in Minneapolis, MN July 24-28 (postponed one year due to Covid-19).

Vacation Bible School

A week of evenings where children and adults gather to sing, play, learn, craft and eat!  A new take on the traditional vacation bible school.

Youth Dinner

Each year, to further our mission of service, the youth host an annual themed dinner.  Youth choose the theme, plan the menu and decorate the space to prepare for this event.  

Waiting tables, helping in the kitchen and serving as hosts has become a beloved tradition as youth participate each year.  Recent themes include the 1950s, Rainforest Adventure, the 1960s, A Night in Italy and more.

Eager Beavers

Youth in grades 3-5 have come together one a month on Friday evenings for a few hours of learning, worship and fun.  This group engages in service in the Shepherd’s Garden, shares prayer concerns, enjoys crafts and games together.

We are currently looking for new leaders for this ministry.  Please contact the church if you are interested in serving in this way.