Caring for Each Other
Nurturing Care and Support
Coffee Hour
We gather as a community after worship to enjoy coffee, tea and lots of goodies provided in the Narthex. All are welcome.
Easter Breakfast
On Easter morning our members and guests meet to enjoy a delicious breakfast to celebrate the holiday.
Special Events
Summer campfire worship – singing, stories and making smores. Programs to promote understanding in partnership with Delaware Council on Global and Muslim Affairs.
Women's Events
Each year the women of Good Shepherd, their friends and other local church women are invited to take part in a women’s retreat. This is a time of renewal and helps build relationships. It also provides opportunity for learning and worship. This event is usually held off site in places such as Ocean City, Md or Mar Lu Ridge.
During the Christmas season, our youth and interested members visit members who are homebound to entertain them with Christmas carols.
Griefshare is a grief recovery support group where you can find help and healing for the hurt of losing a loved one. Good Shepherd serves as a meeting site each Monday night.

Home Communion Ministry
We provide ministry to members who are ill or homebound.
Prayer Chain
Volunteers for the Prayer Chain provide a ministry of prayer by receiving and passing along to fellow chain members a request for prayer.
Small Group Ministry
Good Shepherd has several small groups who meet weekly to grow in faith and build relationships. Topics vary from Bible Study to book discussions.
Shepherd's Vine
This telephone tree method of communication arose during the COVID19 shutdown to stay in touch with members and friends of the congregation. It reminds us that Jesus is both the Good Shepherd and the Life Giving Vine.

Care Cards
Thoughtful notes sent by a team of volunteers to those in need or expressing words of appreciation.